White is everybody’s color. It is perfect in any style be it a suit, two-piece, skirt, shirt, pant, crop top, shorts, and even dresses. It is perfect om every skin tone and color. There are a plethora of adjectives bi can use to describe the color “white” but none of them would do justice to it other than the way Mocheddah did.
Dressed to perfection in this simple yet classy and elegant white dress, she looks more like a goddess than a human. The dress is made with a rich white material. The design is a mono-strap short dress with her skin left bare for us to see how creamy and well-toned it is. The skirt part of the dress has a white net attached to it but is kept the same length as the dress. The net additions then end at the sides of the dress in short extensions.
The dress is beautiful and well-suited for the occasion which was Olakunbi Oyelese’s 4oth birthday. The birthday was white-themed and also had appearances from other notable celebrities.

Her hair was sleeked back into a neat ponytail with a piece left aside in front to fall over the side of her face. It is only perfect that she’s adorned in beautiful jewelry items such as the silver earrings she has on. For shoes, she goes with nude-colored heels with straps that wrap around her ankle to her calf.
Mocheddah aside from being elegant, dishes out fashion, and make-up tips that make a lady’s daily life easier, you should follow her and turn on post notifications to be kept on track.