In this 21st century, women are having their voices heard more than before. And as a woman, we tend to get more inspiration from other women who are doing well in their various fields through their words of advice.
Women turn to inspire women and vice versa, especially in this era of ‘women helping women. So in this article, we have compiled some very deep and outstandingly good advice from wise women of our time to keep us inspired as we carry on with our daily living.
Read on to get life’s best advice from these women.
Margeret Thatcher

This means that men talk more than they act, while women act more than they talk so if you need things done, consider talking to women.
Carmen Perez

This is to encourage youth involvement in society.
Harling Ross

Here, Harling charges women to always speak up for their fellow women and never be afraid as there is no such thing as too much noise when speaking for a fellow woman.
Lacey Tompkins

At the end of each day, make sure you can count your achievements. Once you are able to do that, your success is assured.
Noria Morales

This tells aging women or women who hate the idea of developing grey hair, that it is not something to be ashamed of or feel bad about because it is a thing to be proud of. In fact, it is an achievement.
Simone Oliver

This tells women to take things easy with themselves rather than exert too much pressure. Always find time to relax and take care of yourself.
Jaquelyn Klein

Most women hate having ache on their faces and so end up getting worried and touching them and applying several things just to clear them off faster. Not knowing this habit rather leads to further damage to the face and skin. Here, Jaquelyn tries to boost women’s confidence by letting them know that pimples are not what people are focusing on it so just forget about it and do your thing like it doesn’t exist.
Vanessa Lundy

Most times we hear people tell women to ensure that every aspect of their lives is balanced; home, work, family, relationship, etc., and this seems to put a lot of pressure on women in society. Therefore, Vanessa is saying that women should not be too pressured to balance things up as one aspect of life is bound to suffer when another aspect is flourishing.
Heather Havrilesky

This is encouraging women to be themselves and never be ashamed of who they are.
Celeste Little

Here, Celeste tells women to always love their bodies and believe they are beautiful regardless of what people say.
Nicole Chapoteau

According to Nicole, young women should be more adventurous as there is plenty to recover when you fuck up and that, apart from paying bills, being an adult is fun.