The popular Nigerian comedian, Maryam Akpaokagi, Taaooma, recently stunned fans with her New Year photos. The highlight of her look was the impeccable cargo straight-fit jogger tracksuit she sported, which included cargo pants and a matching hoodie.
The cargo tracksuit stood out due to its unique design, featuring numerous pockets that added both style and functionality to the ensemble. The track pants were complemented by a fashionable hoodie, creating a trendy and sporty look.
Nevertheless, what truly stole the show was Taaooma’s choice of footwear. She opted for shiny silver pointed-toe heels, which added a touch of glamour and elevated the entire outfit to another level. The silver heels perfectly complemented the tracksuit, providing a sleek and modern contrast.
To complete her stunning ensemble, Taaooma accessorized with a pair of white sunglasses, a white head tie, and silver hoop earrings. These added a touch of sophistication to her look, making her appear as gorgeous as ever.
This fashion statement by Taaooma showcases her impeccable sense of style and ability to combine comfort and fashion effortlessly. The cargo tracksuit is not only a trendy choice, but it also allows for freedom of movement and practicality, thanks to its numerous pockets.
Tao did an amazing job with that outfit and we love it!!!