Despite the drama and attention from the media in the past 48 hours, Tiwa took to her Instagram page on Wednesday to announce that she will be taking a huge step into the movie industry. Her debut movie, “Water and Garri” in which she plays the lead role is set to be released during the year.
She enthusiastically announced, stating, “Guys, I’m so excited to announce that my first feature film #WaterAndGarri will be released this year through @primevideo and shown in over 240 countries and territories worldwide! This has been over two years in the making and I must say this is probably one of the most adventurous, fulfilling things I’ve done. I feel blessed and honored to not only be making my debut as a lead actor but to have also executively produced this film.
I honestly can’t wait to take you guys along with me on this next phase of my life and art. I’m just getting started. Huge love to Director @mejialabi. You made a masterpiece! Also Producer @J_adesanya @missamadi.” The movie “Water and Garri” Is set to show on the Prime video platform and will be made accessible to more than 240 countries and territories globally.
In the movie, “Water and Garri”, Tiwa Savage plays Aisha, a fashion designer watching her career take flight in the U.S. After 10 years, she returns to her native land when she learns of a death in the family. Soon after, she realizes that things have not been the way she left them. Bouts of violence and tension have turned her homeland into a chaotic land. As she reconnects with family, old friends, and her past love, she must learn to live with the scars and confront the guilt she left behind.
“Water and Garri” is Shot on Ghana’s Cape Coast. And directed by the famous Meji Alabi who has shot a handful of music videos for Savage, like Malo, Get it Now, and Sugarcane.
This movie promises to be one with a lot of emotional stakes and we can’t wait to see the trailer and behold our very own Queen of Afrobeats in all her glory.